Friday, March 09, 2007

Thank you & see you at WAUKSTER.COM! :D

Hmm, I find it weird. It's been a day or two already since I announced I'm moving to another site but I still get insane hits at this blog. Guys, please start going to -

I won't be updating this one anymore XD I've already put up some new articles on PERFECT WORLD and LU YOSI SESSION at the new blog so better check it out!

Thank you to everyone and I hope to see you at my new blog!



lilyruth said...

I do not even know if you are going to have time to see this but I hope you do , by no means did I ever realize you were of such importance and to think that you favor one of my blogs htttp:// I rally am thrilled wow you develop games and your new website its great I love it you can tell you put a lot of hard work into it well it has been worth it you have done a great job with your newsite. Listen if it is not asking to much would you please add my new blog to your technorati favorites it really would be a big boost to me. and I thank you for it, I wish never mind just do this for me ok. it relly is a nice site. have you gone and seeen it? If you do please leave a big COmment there for me ID relly appreciate it or if you could just write like a small review about it or about lilyruths this and that if you just tell me what name to put down as author so you will be allowed to post on my blog it really would be great and an honor. uou do not have to post a big write up just something to let everyone know that you a big game maker what your thought are thanks and please delete this.Or maybeif you just go and adopt a virtual pet and let me post your blog your new website on my blog and let me say somethng about yours and you would have a permanent link there forever go and check it out its new and its different, let me know your honest opion.

Anonymous said...

hi~, just wake by, nice site you have, keep the good work and i will come back soon to see what new.